
Welcome To Mylo Coffee Co.

  • Address:
  • 2715 Kavanaugh Blvd
  • Phone #:
  • (501)747-1880
  • Hours:
  • MON - SAT 7-9 | SUN 7-7


We roast raw, green coffee from single farms, estates, and cooperatives. When we taste a coffee that we like, we want to know where it comes from and who grows, picks, and processes it. Our goal is to bring out the best aspects of each origin. We currently offer whole beans, pour-over coffee, cold-brew and espresso-based drinks.


Our goal is to support sustainable food networks and to promote community. To that end, we source our organic flour, meat, and eggs exclusively from Arkansas producers and use local dairy, fruits, and vegetables whenever possible. Our daily selection of breakfast and lunch items varies according to season, availability of produce, and the whims of our chefs, so be sure to check back for regular updates.